Friday, 5 October 2018

कंगना रानौत की बायोपिक मणिकर्णिका के मुकाबले एनटीआर बायोपिक ?

क्या कोई डायरेक्टर अपनी ही फिल्म के खिलाफ अपनी किसी दूसरी फिल्म को मुक़ाबले में ला सकता है तेलुगु और हिंदी फिल्म निर्देशक राधा कृष्ण जगारलमुडी  ऐसा ही करते लगते हैं।

हिंदी फिल्म दर्शक जगारलामुडी को, अक्षय कुमार की एक्शन फिल्म गब्बर इज बैक के डायरेक्टर कृष के नाम से जानते हैं।

वह कंगना रनौत की मुख्य भूमिका वाली झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मी बाई के जीवन पर फिल्म मणिकर्णिका : द क्वीन ऑफ़ झाँसी का निर्देशन कर रहे थे। फिल्म लगभग पूर्णता की ओर थी कि यकायक कृष फिल्म छोड़ कर चल दिए ।

बाद में उनका नाम, तेलुगु फिल्म अभिनेता और आंध्र प्रदेश के पूर्व मुख्य मंत्री नन्दीमुरि तारक रामाराव पर बायोपिक फिल्म एनटीआर के लेखक और निर्देशक के तौर पर सामने आया।

कृष के फिल्म छोड़ जाने के बाद, फिल्म के बाकी बचे हिस्से की शूटिंग और पैच वर्क को पूरा करने का काम मणिकर्णिका कंगना रनौत ने अपने हाथो  में ले लिया।

बाद में खबर आई कि सोनू सूद ने भी मणिकर्णिका छोड़ दी थी।  इसके बावजूद, कंगना रनौत ने मणिकर्णिका को न केवल पूरा किया, बल्कि २५ जनवरी २०१९ को रिलीज़ होने का रास्ता भी बना दिया।

कुछ दिनों पहले ही, मणिकर्णिका का टीज़र जारी हुआ था, जिसकी काफी प्रशंसा हो रही है।

मगर, अब फिल्म मणिकर्णिका के निर्देशक कृष ही इसके आड़े आते लगते हैं। ऐसा लगता है कि कृष का मणिकर्णिका को छोड़ना दूसरे कारणों से हुआ होगा ।

शायद, सोनू सूद का यह हिंट काफी था कि कंगना रनौत निर्देशन में दखल दे रही थी।

इसकी पुष्टि इस बात से भी होती है कि कृष ने एनटीआर बायोपिक को कंगना रनौत की झाँसी की रानी लक्ष्मी बाई पर बायोपिक फिल्म से पहले रिलीज़ करने का इरादा बना लिया है। कल (४ अक्टूबर को) यह ऐलान हुआ कि एनटीआर बायोपिक दो हिस्सों में रिलीज़ की जाएगी।

पहला हिंसा ९ जनवरी को रिलीज़ होगा तथा दूसरा हिस्सा २४ जनवरी को। यानि कि मणिकर्णिका की रिलीज़ से एक दिन पहले ही एनटीआर बायोपिक रिलीज़ हो जाएगी।

इस प्रकार से, डायरेक्टर राधा कृष्ण जगारलमुडी पहले ऐसे निर्देशक बन जाते हैं, जिनकी एक ही महीने में तीन तीन फ़िल्में रिलीज़ होंगी।

इससे एक बात और भी साफ़ होती है कि कृष एनटीआर बायोपिक के दोनों हिस्से मणिकर्णिका की रिलीज़ से एक दिन पहले रिलीज़ कर, मणिकर्णिका की धार को कुंद करना चाहते हैं।

यहाँ यह भी बताते चलें कि मणिकर्णिका और एनटीआर फ़िल्में हिंदी और तेलुगु में भी रिलीज़ हो रही है।

हिंदी बेल्ट में २५ जनवरी को हृथिक रोशन की फिल्म सुपर ३० भी रिलीज़ हो रही है। कंगना रनौत को फिल्म कृष ३ के जमाने से हृथिक रोशन के साथ भी पंगा है।

इस प्रकार से कंगना रनौत की फिल्म मणिकर्णिका कड़े मुक़ाबले में फंसी फिल्म नज़र आने लगी है।

निर्माताओं के झमेले में भैयाजी सुपरहिट - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

निर्माताओं के झमेले में भैयाजी सुपरहिट

भैयाजी सुपरहिट फिल्म झमेले में हैं।

यह फिल्म २०११ में बनना शुरू हुई थी। लम्बे समय तक निर्माण के भिन्न दौर में अटकी रही।  कभी प्रोडूसर बदले तो कभी पैसे की कमी आड़े आई।

अब, जबकि, नीरज पांडेय निर्देशित सनी देओल और प्रीटी ज़िंटा अभिनीत फिल्म भैयाजी सुपरहिट १९ अक्टूबर की रिलीज़ डेट पा चुकी है, एक निर्माता फौज़िया अर्शी का कानूनी नोटिस इसकी रिलीज़ को धराशाई कर सकता है।

फौज़िया अर्शी का नोटिस फिल्म के हीरो सनी देओल, निर्माता चिराग धालीवालफिल्म के निर्देशक नीरज पांडेय और ज़ी म्यूजिक कंपनी के नाम है, जिसमे यह  दावा  किया गया है कि फिल्म भैयाजी सुपरहिट उन्होंने २०११ में  २४ करोड़ के बजट से शुरू की थी, जो २०१२ तक २६ करोड़ हो गया। 

वह कहती हैं, "२०१२ में, जब मेरा ५-६ करोड़ खर्च हो गया तो एक दिन नीरज पांडेय ने बताया कि फिल्म का बजट ४० करोड़ हो जाएगा।  इसी समय, नीरज और सनी देओल यह कहने लगे कि वह चिराग के साथ फिल्म करना चाहते हैं।  धालीवाल ने मुझे ४ करोड़ का एक चेक भी दिया, जो बाउंस हो गया। अब वह इस फिल्म को ब्याज सहित मेरे १० लाख रुपये दिए बिना रिलीज़ करने जा रहे हैं और फिल्म के प्रोडूसर के तौर पर मेरा नाम भी नहीं दे रहे।:

मगर धारीवाल के कैंप वाले इसे गलत बताते हैं।  उनका कहना है कि चिराग धारीवाल पहले से ही फिल्म से जुड़े हुए थे। फौज़िया तो ढाई करोड़ का चेक देकर बाद में फिल्म से जुड़ी। यह चेक भी बाउंस हो गया।

अब देखने वाली बात होगी कि क्या फौज़िया की नोटिस के बाद फिल्म भैयाजी सुपरहिट की रिलीज़ में किसी प्रकार की रुकावट पैदा होती है !

परदे पर एसिड अटैक की शिकार लक्ष्मी बनेंगी दीपिका पादुकोण - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

परदे पर एसिड अटैक की शिकार लक्ष्मी बनेंगी दीपिका पादुकोण

नायिका प्रधान फ़िल्में बनाने में माहिर हो चुकी निर्देशक मेघना गुलज़ार अब दीपिका पादुकोण के साथ एक नायिका प्रधान फिल्म बनाने जा रही है।

यह फिल्म एसिड अटैक की शिकार लड़की लक्ष्मी अग्रवाल के जीवन पर होगी। लक्ष्मी अग्रवाल पर२००५ में एक आदमी ने शादी के प्रस्ताव को ठुकरा देने का बदला उस पर एसिड फेंक कर लिया था। इस आक्रमण में लक्ष्मी का चेहरा बुरी तरह से जल गया था। इसके बावजूद लक्ष्मी ने हार नहीं मानी। वह अपनी लड़ाई जीवट के साथ लड़ती रही।

मेघना गुलजार की फिल्म की स्क्रिप्ट से दीपिका पादुकोण इतनी प्रभावित हुई कि लक्ष्मी के साहस, जीवटता और जिजीविषा को खुद परदे पर साकार करने को तो तैयार हो ही गई, इस फिल्म के ज़रिये फिल्म प्रोडूसर बनने का निर्णय भी ले लिया।

यहाँ बताते चलें कि लक्ष्मी अग्रवाल पर जब एसिड फेंका गया, तब वह मात्र १५ साल की थी। इस  किरदार को परदे पर उतारने का इरादा करने वाली दीपिका पादुकोण खुद ३२ साल की है। वह किस प्रकार से और कितनी उपयुक्तता के साथ इस भूमिका को कर पाएंगी ? इसमें संदेह व्यक्त किया जा रहा है।

हालाँकि, फिल्म की निर्देशक मेघना गुलजार बिलकुल इत्मीनान से हैं। वह अपनी अंतःप्रेरणा से काम लेने वाली फिल्मकार हैं।

वह कहती हैं, "मेरी अंतःप्रेरणा कह रही थी कि दीपिका पादुकोण इस भूमिका के साथ न्याय कर सकती हैं। इसके अलावा शारीरिक गठन से भी वह मेरी लक्ष्मी की छवि में फिट बैठती थी। मैं तब उत्साहित हुई, जब दीपिका ने तत्काल इस करैक्टर को स्वीकार कर लिया।"

मेघना गुलज़ार ने, अपनी कल्पना में लक्ष्मी की इमेज बना रखी है। वह इस इमेज पर कितनी फिट बैठती है और दर्शकों को कितनी पसंद आती है, यह फिल्म रिलीज़ होने के बाद ही पता चलेगा।

इस फिल्म को लेकर दिलचस्प तथ्य यह है कि जिस व्यक्ति ने १५ साल की लक्ष्मी पर तेज़ाब से हमला किया था, वह खुद ३२ साल का था।

रणबीर कपूर के बाद रणवीर सिंह के साथ करिश्मा तन्ना - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

रणबीर कपूर के बाद रणवीर सिंह के साथ करिश्मा तन्ना

करिश्मा तन्ना को, इस साल की सुपरडुपर हिट फिल्म संजू में पिंकी की छोटी भूमिका में देखा गया था।

इस भूमिका में वह, संजू की दोस्त कमली की दोस्त पिंकी हैं, जिसे कमली शारीरिक सम्बन्ध बनाने के लिए अपने घर लाता है। लेकिन, खुद नशे में चूर हो कर बेहोश सो जाता है।  इसका फायदा संजू उठाता है रात में पिंकी के साथ घपाघप करके।

संजू की सफलता और इस चरित्र की खासियत का फायदा करिश्मा तन्ना को मिला है।

वह, निर्देशक अली अब्बास ज़फर  और रणवीर सिंह के साथ एक फिल्म कर रही हैं। इस फिल्म में विज्ञान फ़न्तासी रणवीर सिंह सिंह एक सुपरह्यूमन किरदार में होंगे।

लेकिन, यह फिल्म पूरी लम्बाई की न हो, कर विज्ञापन फिल्म होगी।

यह विज्ञापन फिल्म नूडल कैप्टेन चिंग राइजेज टाइटल के साथ होगी।

यह फिल्म बताएगी कि विश्व को खतरे से केवल एक व्यक्ति ही बचा सकता है, वह है मिस्टर चिंग। इसी फिल्म में, रणवीर सिंह के साथ करिश्मा तन्ना भी नज़र आएंगी। 

करिश्मा तन्ना, इस समय एकता कपूर के शो नागिन ३  में नागिन की भूमिका में नज़र आ रही है।

संजू की सफलता से करिश्मा, केवल यह करिश्मा कर सकी हैं कि उन्हें संजू की पिंकी जैसी भूमिकाये ही मिल रही हैं।  

क्या मिस्टर चिंग का साथ कोई नया गुल खिलायेगा ? 

सैफ अली खान, दूसरी बार गो गोवा गॉन  - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

सैफ अली खान, दूसरी बार गो गोवा गॉन

२०१४ में गो गोवा गॉन के बाद, निर्माता दिनेश विजन और एक्टर सैफ अली खान के रास्ते अलग अलग हो गए थे।

हालाँकि, भारत की पहली जोम्बी कॉमेडी फिल्म गो गोवा गॉन को अच्छी सफलता मिली थी। लेकिन, इसके बावजूद कि इससे पहले यह एक्टर-प्रोडूसर जोडी बीइंग साइरस, लव आज कल, कॉकटेल और एजेंट विनोद जैसी फ़िल्में कर चुकी थी, गो गोवा गॉन के बाद सैफ-दिनेश जोड़ी नहीं बनी।

अब बदलापुर, हिंदी मीडियम और स्त्री की सफलता के बाद, दिनेश विजन एक बार फिर सैफ अली खान के साथ फिल्म बनाने जा रहे हैं।

यह फिल्म २०१४ की ज़ोंबी कॉमेडी फिल्म गो गोवा गॉन की सीक्वल फिल्म होगी। इस बात का ऐलान, खुद दिनेश विजन ने मीडिया से किया।

इस समय फिल्म की स्क्रिप्ट पर काम चल रहा है। सीक्वल फिल्म की स्क्रिप्ट भी राज और डीके के जोड़ी ही लिख रही है। इस महीने के अंत तक फिल्म की स्क्रिप्ट पूरी हो जायेगी। स्क्रिप्ट पूरी होने के बाद, दिनश विजन फिल्म के बारे में ऐलान करेंगे। हो सकता है कि उस समय तक वह फिल्म की दूसरी कास्ट का भी ऐलान कर दें।

फिलहाल, दिनेश विजन की फिल्म निर्माण कंपनी मैडॉक फिल्म्स तीन सीक्वल फिल्मों हिंदी मीडियम २, गो गोवा गॉन २ और स्त्री २ के अलावा अर्जुन पटियाला, मेड इन चाइना और लुका छुपी का निर्माण भी कर रही हैं।

सैफ अली खान ने भी अपनी निर्माण संस्था स्थापित कर ली है और वह फिल्म जवानी जानेमन का निर्माण भी करने जा रहे हैं। उनकी एक फिल्म बाज़ार २६ अक्टूबर को रिलीज़ हो रही है।  

Varun Dhawan Reveals that Hrithik Roshan is One of His Acting Inspiration - क्लिक करें 

Varun Dhawan Reveals that Hrithik Roshan is One of His Acting Inspiration

Varun Dhawan along with Anushka Sharma reveal their inspiration and more on IMDb “The Insider Watchlist”

Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma starrer Sui Dhaaga is the story of married couple Mauji and Mamta who reclaim the family sowing business. Recently, in a sit down chat with film critic Anupama Chopra on IMDb “The Insider’s Watchlist”, Dhawan revealed that actor Hrithik Roshan has inspired him and many actors in the Indian film industry. On the show Varun said, “The first time I saw Hrithik Roshan on screen, I was deeply affected. I am swayed away with his performance in intense scenes. Though, Shah Rukh Khan is the best dramatic actor in the country and you see a lot of new actors imitate him but Hrithik has his own voice, and anybody who says that his performance doesn’t leave an impact on them, they are lying.”

Anushka Sharma said she was highly inspired by Kangana Ranaut in the movie Queen.

Additional Highlights from the Episode Include:

Varun Dhawan who started his career in Bollywood with KaranJohar’s directorial ‘Student Of The Year’ is greatly inspired by Aamir Khan’s performance in Dangal. According to Varun, Aamir did all that he could do in that film. He gained weight, lost weight, made a body, showed the best acting skills.

Anushka Sharma also opened up about the actress who has inspired her the most. According to Anushka she is highly inspired by Kangana Ranaut. Anushka concluded by saying that she’s inspired by the good work of all actors and good performances don’t make her jealous. Dhawan also mentioned that Kangana’s performance in the Queen was inspiring to him while filming for Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania in 2013.

Pooja Hegde impresses all in the trailer of Aravindha Sametha - क्लिक करें 

Pooja Hegde impresses all in the trailer of Aravindha Sametha

Pooja Hegde, who has been living out of a suitcase since the last couple of months shooting for three South films and a Bollywood film, is eagerly anticipating the release of her forthcoming movie, Aravindha Sametha opposite superstar Junior NTR.

The talented actress is elated about the encouraging response coming her way from the audience and especially her fans.

Going by the huge anticipation surrounding the film’s worldwide release on October 11, the actress has been appreciated for her striking performance. Since Pooja has dubbed in Telugu for the first time, the audience, especially her fans, couldn’t stop raving about her diction, effortless performance and the crackling chemistry with Junior NTR.

A source informs, “It’s a big ticket release for Pooja and there’s huge buzz surrounding the film. Coincidentally, the movie is also releasing in the same week as her birthday, making it a double whammy for Pooja. The actress has worked hard for her character in the movie, especially learning Telugu and also dubbed for the movie in the language.

Rani’s Hichki Set to Release in Taiwan - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

Rani’s Hichki Set to Release in Taiwan as My Teacher With Hiccups

Rani Mukerji’s heart-warming and inspiring film Hichki has become a worldwide success story. Given the universal appeal of the film, Hichki has been witnessing a staggered release across the world and now it is set to release in Taiwan on 2nd November. The movie is being re-titled as ‘My Teacher with Hiccups’ for the Taiwanese audiences. The film’s Taiwanese poster also has a motivating thought written on it. It reads – ‘Never limit yourself, don’t be afraid, even though you have some born disability’. 

Internationally, Hichki has so far released in Russia and Kazakhstan, and it is expected to wow audiences in Taiwan. The film is also releasing in Hong Kong on 8th November and China on 12th October. 

Rani’s performance as Naina Mathur, a school teacher dealing with an involuntary nervous system disorder, Tourette Syndrome, has been widely loved by audiences and critics alike across the world. Her brilliant performance has seen her sweep awards and accolades in India this year. Hichki has also been receiving worldwide acclaim and honours. It received a standing ovation at the Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) and then at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) where Rani was again awarded the Best Actress award.

Rana Daggubati to help aspiring filmmakers, writers - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Rana Daggubati to help aspiring filmmakers, writers

KWAN Entertainment, India’s leading entertainment marketplace- entered into a Joint Venture with Rana Daggubati’s (Suresh Productions) introducing a specialized division- KWAN South as an entertainment marketplace with a regional focus. KWAN South is a one stop shop for all stakeholders- from actors, directors, producers, writers to technicians which takes a holistic approach in talent representations and focuses on building profiles.

In south industry, where stars are managed by family members or secretaries, the evolution to a structured agency format has been fairly recent with KWAN South. In another first of its kind venture nationwide, KWAN South branches a new team known as the Literature team or the LIT team whose sole purpose is to generate the best content and to help good content find its audience. The LIT team helps aspiring filmmakers and writers develop their ideas into workable scripts that can be taken to producers and actors. Apart from this regular workshops are conducted by mentors and experts. Along with that Rana Daggubati will mentor the team and overlook the complete process of taking the right stories, to the right place at the right time. KWAN South will rope in experts from various writing fields to guide them.

Actor, Businessman and Partner- KWAN South, Rana Daggubati (SP) added, “With the LIT team we want to change the way content is perceived, created and treated.  We would want to train more filmmakers and writers and help them get their work to the audience. With a start of 10 members in the LIT team, we would hope to train more writers and bring experts from various fields to mentor them. We pitch these stories to production houses and directors, help them set it up and package it”

Anirban Das Blah, managing director at Kwan Entertainment commented, “Indian viewers are now indulging more in content- centric scripts and KWAN South has uniquely placed to capitalize on this opportunity with the advent of the LIT Team. The idea is to promote new talent and push original content in a refined form. We would help our talent effectively to monetize their work on various digital platforms.”

While commenting on being on board with KWAN South LIT team and collaborating with the writers, Director Tharun Bhascker said, “I had a wonderful time working with KWAN. I talked to the literature team about story structure and I think it is a great opportunity for directors like us to choose different genres which otherwise we cannot do when we have a close knit writer’s team because in that scenario we can’t be creative with our choices. So KWAN is bridging the gap between directors and writers and it is the most important thing because as a film industry I think we are lacking good writers. I think KWAN is positioned in a critical place where they can bridge the gap and fill the demand for good scripts.”

The south film industry has a lot of talent and an incredible craft which requires proper streamlining. KWAN South aims is to change the nature of processes, make it a collaborative system and with the LIT team it takes a step ahead to add value to the entertainment industry.

MTV India Music Summit - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

MTV India Music Summit

Viacom 18 COO Raj Nayak, Singer Shilpa Rao, Gautam Hari Singhania, Prasoon Joshi, Kailash Kher, Jasbir Jassi, Nikita Gandhi
 “Music is the purest form of art, and therefore the most direct expression of beauty,” Rabindranath Tagore once wrote. Music played an important part in Tagore’s life and needless to say, he wholeheartedly believed in the transformative power of music. To showcase this very power in all its glory, Musiconcepts, founded by passionate media veterans – Ambika Srivastava, Mala Sekhri and Aparna Joshi - focusing on the promotion of India’s musical heritage and the showcase of musical experiences at par with the world’s best, is back with yet another exciting edition of Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit – Many Musical Journeys. One True Note. Musiconcepts will once again hold court at the scenic locales of The Fairmont in Jaipur on 12th, 13th and 14th October 2018, where musicians from across the country will congregate with a common goal in mind – to celebrate India’s rich and diverse musical heritage.

With an array of rich musical experiences planned for enthralling the audience, Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit will allow attendees to discover interesting sounds, engage in exchange of ideas and savour excellent music through a series of concerts and conversations. Attendees will get an opportunity to witness a different side to the God of Violin L Subramaniam as he showcases his flair with fusion, understand the world and viewpoint of reigning begum of Hindustani Classical music Parveen Sultana, watch sitar maestro Shujaat Khan’s famed gayaki in a concert inspired by Ustad Vilayat Khan, Ustad Amir Khan and Bhimsen Joshi, be seduced by Usha Uthup’s husky voice as she recreates Trinca’s of the 60s and as she engages in a lively discussion interestingly titled ‘Kanjeevaram conquers Kolkata’, enjoy an exciting session titled ‘From Baithak to Bollywood’ with Shankar Mahadevan, and discover something absolutely new about Kailash Kher and many more brilliant artists as they get ready to surrender themselves to music that transcends all boundaries of human experience. Music lovers will also get a chance to experience Robin Barnes, well known Jazz musician all the way from New Orleans, live in concert as a part of the country partner experience.

Mala Sekhri, co-founder of Musiconcepts, spoke about the line-up this year saying, “The richness of the content that we have for Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit is evident from our pick of topics, genres and artists. Each session has been carefully curated to highlight a particular aspect of Indian music. I’m sure the audiences will appreciate our effort as they get to witness the likes of Shujaat Khan, Usha Uthup, Kailash Kher, Dr. L Subramaniam, Shankar Mahadevan, Bhimsen Joshi, Suresh Wadkar…and many more stalwarts of Indian music, performing life and engaging in lively discussion and debate about music!”

Explaining the purpose behind hosting such a Summit, Aparna Joshi, co-founder of Musiconcepts said, “We founded Musiconcepts with the singular aim of aiding the discovery of India’s beautifully diverse and rich musical heritage. We should consider ourselves extremely fortunate to belong to a country which reverberates with so many unique musical traditions. We wanted to create a culture of discovery that would allow lovers of music to embrace these traditions. The idea of Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit was born because we wanted to provide platforms for listeners to explore sounds and musical ideas – both new and old.”

Keeping in mind the purpose to create ‘listeners of excellence’ who can appreciate the vast richness of India’s musical landscape, Mentor to the Summit, Prasoon Joshi and musician par excellence – Shankar Mahadevan member of the Advisory Board of the Summit came together to create an anthem titled ‘Ek Sachha Sur’ to highlight the mission of the Summit. The two stalwarts, along with the founders and other prominent members associated with the Summit have worked night and day to create a musical weekend that attendees are likely to never forget.

Speaking about the Summit, Prasoon Joshi, Mentor said, “Right from its inception, Musiconcepts has been working hard to create a platform to bring India’s diverse musical heritage together – a showcase like no other which allows for free-flowing conversations, debates, exchange of views and a joint celebration of our musical heritage. Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit is the culmination of months of thoughtful curation of sessions and performances. A truly immersive musical experience, the summit promises to have everything from Sunrise concerts, to Baikthakis, to Jugalbandis, to riffs and jams, Sundowner alaaps and much more!”

Speaking about the Summit, Ambika Srivastava, co-founder of Musiconcepts said, “India’s cultural richness is reflected in the abundance of its musical diversity. While we are exposed to a lot of ‘music genres’ today thanks to technology, there is still much to discover, new musicians to be heard, new compositions, sound and lyrics. From the Nuances of the Gharaanas to the Golden Era of Bollywood, from meditating with music to experiencing the healing power of music, Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit is a three-day convergence of brilliant musicians and a celebration of musical traditions strung together in a free-flowing format that encourages debate and discussion and allows listeners to explore music like neve before.”

Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit is a congregation of music lovers and musicians under one marquee and the kind that straddles a rare variety of genres – from Hindustani and Carnatic classical to jazz, folk, devotional, electronica and more -- and will enthrall audiences for three days in the beautiful city of Jaipur. Designed to dissolve the distance between the stage and the audience, where the energy of the music, musicians and music lovers becomes one, the Summit aims to create new sound and content, get artistes out of their comfortable templates, disrupt the existing myths surrounding genres and create platforms to showcase themselves the way the world hasn’t seen or heard before.
Speaking about the Summit, Mr. Gautam Hari Singhania, CMD Raymond Group said, “Our long-term partnership with India Music Summit strategically binds in our vision of nurturing, promoting and curating different forms of national art and craft in diverse fields like khadi, sports, music and cinema. Inspired by Raymond brand rich legacy of over 9-decades, we are now building an inclusive and experiential lifestyle brand in the current millennia.”

Sanjay Behl, CEO Raymond Lifestyle added, “Raymond is delighted to present the India Music Summit 2018 and announce the start of a 5-year strategic partnership with this unique and engaging platform. This national platform brings in artists and experts from varied genres on a common ground to entertain true music lovers.  We are honoured to be a part of movement which celebrates Indian Art and Culture and provides the most credible global platform to promote Indian Music.”

Commenting on the 2nd edition of the summit, Raj Nayak, COO – Viacom18, said, “Our association with MTV India Music Summit is reflective of our brand promise to offer differentiated, enriching and relevant content to our audience. In its second edition as well, we intend to identify, experience and bring forth versatile artists and varied sound forms that are deserving of global acclaim. We are happy to have trusted sponsors on board who also believe in the transcending power of music. I urge any and every one with the slightest musical bent to be a part of MTV India Music Summit and have an experience of a lifetime.” 

Speaking about MTV’s association with India Music Summit, Ferzad Palia, Head – Youth, Music and English Entertainment, Viacom18 said, “In terms of developing music and its aficionados, we have had a successful journey through our landmark shows such as Coke Studio, MTV Unplugged etc. Catering to an ever-evolving youth culture, MTV’s association with The India Music Summit is an extension of our brand promise of celebrating music in all its glory. With an aim to up the ante each passing year, we are privileged to bring the second edition of The MTV India Music Summit for all music lovers world over. This year promises to be a bigger and better celebration of melodies, recognising the maestros from different walks of life showcasing their prowess in music and thus making it a lifetime experience.” 

An exciting element of the Summit is to explore the cultural influence of music across the globe where every year the Summit aims to include one country and seek synergy or understand the differences. This year, the Summit is happy to welcome Brand USA as a ‘Country Partner’, to take attendees through the various destinations of America – highlighting their history and their musical journey.

"The Summit is one of the finest platforms showcasing the range of music in India. This year Brand USA is proud to partner with this prestigious event to showcase the diverse musical genres and culture available across the length and breadth of the United States of America. Brand USA and McGillivray Freeman Films joined forces in to create a film ‘America’s Musical Journey’, which traces the roots of American music and explores the country's great musical cities—which produced many magnificent art forms such as jazz, the blues, country, soul and rock and roll. Through the universal language of music, we now welcome Indians to these great cities.” said Sheema Vohra, Managing Director- India, Brand USA, the destination marketing organization of the United States of America.

Raymond presents MTV Indus Music Summit – Many Musical Journeys. One True Note is proud to have on board a host of partners and sponsors including:

Patron: Patrika Group

Media Partner: News 18 Network

Sponsors: Volkswagen Passat, Rajasthan Tourism, Britannia, Nescafe Gold & LIC.

Partners: Pashma, NCPA, Sangeet Natak Akademi, Modern Stage Services, Black Dog, ArtKonnect, Concept Travels and Conferences. 

The sands of Rajasthan are going to be steeped in music as Raymond presents MTV India Music Summit – Ek Sachha Sur gets ready to open its doors to music aficionados from October 12to 14, 2018, at The Fairmont in Jaipur. 
To book tickets for the event, please log on to: BOOKMYSHOW

Musiconcepts has as its founders India’s top media professionals who with their combined experience and expertise of Media Marketing, Content development, Television anchoring, International licensing, Publishing, Advertising and large-scale Events also share a common passion for Music and the arts.

In developing the mission statement for the company, the founders believe that there is no better time to start new conversations around music and musicality in India and around the globe.

While India continues to have “Musicians of excellence” in every genre, it is our responsibility to create “listeners of excellence” which is imperative for this art to survive now and in the future.

We have a responsibility to both the arts and future generations to help preserve, nurture and grow this art – in a manner that is relevant to the current generation, in a language that they understand. 

-         MALA SEKHRI 
-         APARNA JOSHI 
-         NIPPIE SINGH 
-         DEEPAK SAHAI 

MTV, world’s premier youth brand, is a dynamic and a vibrant blend of music and pop culture. With a global reach of more than half-billion households, MTV is a cultural home to the millennial generation, music fans and artists.  50 MN fans following MTV across show pages on social media have made it one of the top brands in social influence as well. MTV consumer products are available across 35+ unique categories through strategic brand licensing tie-ups, leading to combined retail sales of 100+ crores present across all key online and off-line channels of distribution. In 2015, MTV also launched its first ever café in the world, FLYP@MTV at New Delhi in India. MTV has a buzzing MTV Live business with properties like MTV Video Music Awards and MTV Bollyland. Aiming to entertain, lead and collaborate with young people through its evocative communication and youth relevant shows like Roadies, Splitsvilla, Coke Studio@MTV, MTV Unplugged, MTV Girls on Top, MTV Love School and keep them engaged through various cause led initiatives such as MTV Rock the Vote and MTV The Junkyard Project. For information about MTV in India, visit


Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. is one of India's fastest growing entertainment networks and a house of iconic brands that offers multi-platform, multi-generational and multicultural brand experiences. A joint venture of Viacom Inc. and the Network18 Group, Viacom18 defines entertainment in India by touching the lives of people through its properties on air, online, on ground, in shop and through cinema.

Zee Studios released official teaser of Manikarnika - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Zee Studios released official teaser of Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi

Zee Studios and producer Kamal Jain’s Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi tells the epic journey of a courageous and fearless woman who fought for independence. And, who better than Kangana Ranaut to portray India’s fiercest warrior queen, Rani Lakshmi Bai on the big screen!

The official teaser of the film, that was released yesterday, has received stupendous response from trade to fans alike, garnering over 12 million views in 24 hours. The teaser brings out all the elements that one looks for in a complete entertainer.

Mounted on a large scale, the film has roped in the best of technicians, multiple national award winners—Kangana Ranaut, Shankar Ehsaan Loy who composed the music of the film, to lyricist, Prasoon Joshi—it’s a dream team that has come together to work on the film that promises to provide true cinematic experience, high on content. Not just that, Hollywood’s celebrated action choreographer, Nick Powell has designed action in the film.

Talking about the teaser, Shariq Patel, CEO, Zee Studios shared, “A tribute to Rani Lakshmi Bai, the film celebrates and salutes the extraordinary journey of India's fiercest warrior queen, who sacrificed her life fighting for freedom. We are delighted and grateful for all the love and appreciation the audiences are showering on the teaser!”

Produced by Zee Studios and Kamal Jain, directed by Krish, Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi will release worldwide on January 25, 2019.

आयुष्मान खुराना क्यों मिले सेक्सएक्सपर्ट से ? - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

आयुष्मान खुराना क्यों मिले सेक्सएक्सपर्ट से ?

आयुषमान खुराना ५० वर्ष की उम्र में गर्भवती अपनी मां की दुविधा पर चर्चा करने के लिए सेक्सएक्सपर्ट महेंद्र वत्ससे मिले। कहाँ तो उन्हे अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड को प्रोपोज़ करना था, वह अपनी माँ को गर्भावस्था में संभाल रहे है । इसीलिए अभिनेता ने इस स्थिति को संभालने में मदद करने के लिए सेक्सपर्ट से मुलाकात की। 

यौन, प्रजनन ,स्वास्थ्य और अधिकार (एसआरएचआर) के क्षेत्र में एफपीए इंडिया को पांच दशकों का अनुभव है और लगातार इस पहल पर काम कर रहे है। यह समुदायों को यौन तथा स्वास्थ्य संबंधी जानकारी पहुंचाना और ज्ञान और सशक्तिकरण के लिए बढ़ावा देते है।

यह चर्चा कुछ भी नहीं बल्कि सांसारिक थी। आयुष्मान कुछ समय से सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट से मिलना चाहते थे। उनकी आगामी फिल्म बधाई हो और उसके इस विषय ने उन्हें डॉ वत्सा तक पहुंचाया, जो की यौन समस्याओं का समाधान करने के लिए जाने जाते हैं।

आयुष्मान खुराना स्पर्म डोनेशन, सीधा दोष और बॉडी शेमिंग जैसे विषयों पर फिल्मे कर चुके है।  

बधाई हो एक अनोखी फिल्म है।

यह फिल्म जो की एक परिवार की कहानी है जो अपरंपरागत अच्छी खबर के साथ जुड़ने की कोशिश करते हैं। अप्रत्याशित रूप से आने वाले घर के नये सदस्य का स्वागत करने के लिए तैयार होते हैं।

जंगली पिक्चर और क्रोम पिक्चर्स फिल्म बधाई हो के प्रस्तुत करता है। विनीत जैन, आलिया सेन, हेमंत भंडारी और अमित रविंद्रनाथ शर्मा द्वारा निर्मित, फिल्म की सह-निर्मात्री प्रीती साहनी है। 

फिल्म १९ अक्टूबर २०१८ को इस दशहरे पर प्रदर्शित हो रही है।.

Debina on a style spree on her Kashmir Holiday - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

Debina on a style spree on her Kashmir Holiday

Debina Bonnerjee is living it up & off lately doesn't cease to surprise us with her sartorial choices. A lifestyle blogger alongside her acting career, Debina is currently on a holiday with husband Gurmeet Choudhary in the scenic Kashmir accompanied by Vikas Kalantri & his wife & their photos are giving us travel goals.

Usually you'd be in layers of clothing up there in north, but Debina's changing the style game & her choice of outfits for her vacay is to be noted.

From ruffled top paired with skirt, jacket & stockings to a super chic & high street style monochrome pant suit to a desi suit with heavy jhumkis, Debina has slays every look with style & shows us how it's done.

Debina was hosting an event for the army in Kashmir & extended her trip & visited Gulmarg & Pahalgaun. The couple are enjoying their downtime sharing some exotic pictures on her social networking site

Eros Now Original ‘SMOKE’ to be Premiered at Cannes - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

Eros Now Original ‘SMOKE’ to be Premiered at Cannes

Eros International PLC (NYSE:EROS) (“Eros”), a leading global company in the Indian film entertainment industry, announced today that Eros Now, its cutting-edge digital over-the-top (OTT) South Asian entertainment platform will premiere its original series SMOKE at the coveted annual event MIPCOM 2018, being held at Cannes in France on October 15 under the Made in India Originals category. The only Indian web series to be showcased in Cannes this year, Smoke is a crime drama that will take audiences on a thrilling and eye-opening journey set in the underbelly of Goa.

The teaser of the show was launched today which stars an eclectic ensemble cast of Kalki Koechlin, Mandira Bedi, Jim Sarbh, Amit Sial, Gulshan Devaiah, Satyadeep Mishra, Neal Bhoopalam, Prakash Belawadi and the late Tom Alter. All episodes of Smoke will be available for binge-viewing from October 26, 2018 exclusively on Eros Now. The first look of the series will be premiered at MIPCOM with the audience combining the global entertainment fraternity including distributers, broadcasters as well as executives from the global entertainment industry.

Commenting on Smoke’s showcase at MIPCOM, Ridhima Lulla, Chief Content Officer, Eros Group said, “It is indeed a great honour to be selected and we are thrilled to showcase the series to a global audience before it premieres on Eros Now. Smoke couldn’t be more different from our first series Side Hero where we launched our originals with a self-deprecatory comedy, a relatively untested genre. Smoke on the other hand is a gritty, dark crime drama portraying the never seen side of Goa. There’s no place in India quite like Goa and the show with its unique take on the paradise state makes for a perfect choice out of India to be launched at MIPCOM. With Eros Now originals, we want to continue investing in the brand ‘Eros Now’ to represent a culture of what the youth want to consume”.

This eleven-episode binge-worthy series, directed by Neel Guha is a game of smoke and mirror, shifting loyalties and brutal cover-ups all against the backdrop of Goa, a state as glamorous as it is unsuspecting of the menace that lurks underneath its surface. The sound track for the series has been composed by well-known musician Karsh Kale, who has redefined the Asian Underground genre of music. The show will be available for Streaming Globally on Eros Now starting October 26.

Animation International India Signs Charlie Chaplin - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

Animation International India Signs Charlie Chaplin for Licensing & Merchandising

The iconic superstar of comedy, Charlie Chaplin will soon be available to his fans through a range of products, thanks to Animation International India signing the licensing & merchandising rights of the icon.

We all have known Chaplin for his humor, bowler hat, mustache and cane but there is a lot more to it. He revolutionized the film industry both on and off the screen. He is highly admired today as a cinematic influence and was a great humanist. Often outfitted in tattered baggy pants, a cutaway coat and vest, impossibly large, worn-out shoes and a battered derby hat, Charlie Chaplin is arguably one of the best actors the entertainment industry has ever seen.

Says Nitin Kalra, Director, Animation International India, “Chaplin is a dream come true for our team. We have all grown up seeing him, loving him and wanting a piece of him. Now that chance has come for us to not just create some innovative merchandise around Chaplin, but also to share it with his fans!”

Animation International India, part of the 4 decade old Animation International Limited (Hong Kong) has been instrumental in launching the licensing programs for Marvel, Hello Kitty, WWE and many iconic brands in India over the last 14-years of its journey in India. At present the company successfully manages licensing of brands like Doraemon, Shin Chan, Garfield, Archie Comics, Hallmark Design Collection, Albert Einstein and now Charlie Chaplin.

Trailer of “Chal Jaa Bapu” has been launched On Gandhi Jayanti - देखने के लिए क्लिक करें 

Trailer of “Chal Jaa Bapu” has been launched On Gandhi Jayanti

In Bollywood these days the audience like the movies based on real events and social issues. The trailer of the director Dedipya Joshi’s film "Chal Jaa Bapu" had been launched in Mumbai. "Chal Jaa Bapu" is a comedy drama film based on the scandal of fake Notes (Fake Currency) in the country, how some people in the country are engaged in the business. A young man when he became the victim of this thug, then he is determined to expose this black business. Under the banner of the Seven Seas Production along with Royal Life Production and Pisceann Pictures, “Chal Jaa Bapu” is starring the winner of Bigg Boss season 2 winner Ashutosh Kaushik. In the film   Hrishita Bhatt and Zakir Hussain ,Aryan Vaid, Harish Hariaudh, Himani Shivpuri, Raju Kher, Prachi Pathak will also play important role.

Ashutosh Kaushik, Hrishita Bhatt, Harish Hariaudh, Producer Varun Gaur, co-producer Kapil Bhati, director Dedipya Joshi, actress Prachi Pathak, Raju Kher were present on the occasion of the movie trailer launch. Ashu (Ashutosh) is playing the character of a very bold and untamed young person in the movie, who feels that everything in life will be done automatically. Stroller and carefree Ashu falls in love with Pallavi (Hrishita Bhatt) and out of his stubbornness they both   get married.
Ashu does not do any work and because of this Pallavi is angry. In the meantime, Ashu gets fake note of 500 from Baba Mulmantra (Zakir Hussain) as a blessing, which comes back from the market even after trying several times. Will Ashu be able to run this fake note and expose the white collar people who   are involved in black business and be able to answer these people in their language? Will he be successful in getting back the confidence and faith of his wife, mother and father?
The concept of the film is given by Ashutosh Kaushik and written by Shakir Ali. The music of the film has been prepared by Santokh Singh, Rahul Bhatt, Nishant Kumar Vyas and Shivang Upadhyay. The film is shot on different locations in Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh.

On this occasion, the actor Ashutosh Kaushik said that the film "Chal Bapu Bapu " represents the evil effects of the fake currency in a very humorous and drama style, in fact, the film concept  came in the from an incident that took place with me. I got a lot of tricks to run the fake note which I had got from somewhere and I finally got to know what would happen if a common man got trapped in such a real life difficult situation. Then we changed this idea to the story and today presenting it as a film in front of everybody. I would like to hope that movie will be appreciated by the viewers.

The director, Dedipya Joshi said that "With the comedy and drama, the film also gives an important message to today's youth. Ashu, the main character of the film, understands that everything in life is not achieved automatically and when you know that you have been cheated and your enemy is very powerful, then you have to be clever. Ashutosh's one liner in the film will make the audience laugh a lot.

सलमान खान और प्रियंका चोपडा ही है बॉलीवूड के ‘ट्रेंडसेटर’ - पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें 

सलमान खान और प्रियंका चोपडा ही है बॉलीवूड के ‘ट्रेंडसेटर’

पिछले पूरे एक साल में सुपरस्टार सलमान खान और प्रियंका चोपड़ा ही वह सबसे लोकप्रिय हस्तियाँ हैं, जो स्कोर ट्रेंड्स इंडिया के चार्ट पर लगातार शीर्ष स्थान पर रहे हैं ।

स्कोर ट्रेंड्स इंडिया द्वारा जारी किए गए वार्षिक चार्ट से पता चलता है कि सलमान और प्रियंका दोनों साल २०१७ से सितंबर २०१८ के लिए ट्रेंडसेटर थे।

स्कोर ट्रेंड रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक सभी सोशल प्लेटफार्मों पर (ट्विटर, इंस्टाग्राम, फेसबुक, न्यूज़प्रिंट, डिजिटल न्यूज, और वायरल न्यूज) ५२ हफ्तों में से २९ सप्ताह तक सलमान खान फहेरिस्त के शीर्ष स्थान पर रहें । यह किसी भी सेलिब्रिटी के लिए असाधारण उपलब्धि है ।

प्रियंका चोपड़ा को दीपिका पादुकोण और आलिया भट्ट से कडी टक्कर मिली।  लेकिन ५२ सप्ताह में से १५ हफ्तों तक चार्ट पर प्रियंका का ही राज था।

स्कोर ट्रेंड्स के सह-संस्थापक अश्वनी कौल कहते हैं, "सलमान और प्रियंका दोनों ट्रेंडसेटर हैं और सोशल प्लेटफॉर्म पर ५२ हफ्तों तक अपनी मजबूत पकड़ रखना, कोई आम बात नहीं ।"

इन रैंकिंग के आंकड़े स्कोर ट्रेंड द्वारा प्रदान किए जाते हैं। जो यूएस-स्थित मीडिया-टेक कंपनी व्दारा दिए गयें हैं।

अश्वनी कौल आगे बतातें हैं, "हम १४ भारतीय भाषाओं में उपलब्ध ६०० न्यूज स्त्रोतों के आधार पर यह अनुमान निकालते हैं। पूरे एक हफ्ते में मीडिया में उपलब्ध डेटा के अनुसार यह आंकडे सामने आते है।"

निर्माता- अभिनेता सैफ अली खान की फिल्म है जवानी जानेमन- पढ़ने के लिए क्लिक करें